Interpersonal effectiveness and communication behaviors

Negative Communication


DISCOUNTING:  “Your needs are not as important as mine!”

WITHDRAW/ABANDONMENT:  “Do what I want or I’ll leave or give you the emotional deep freeze”

THREATS/PUNISHMENTS:  “I’ll hurt you or deprive you of something if you don’t do what I want”

BLAMING:  “My needs are your fault.  Your need is your fault”

BELITTLING/PUT-DOWNS:  “You’re foolish for wanting or thinking that”

GUILT TRIPPING:  “You’re unfair for wanting that … you shouldn’t/should do this because I think so or because I want it”

DERAILING:  “I’m switching topics for what you (or I) started talking about even though we haven’t reached any resolution”

MIND READING:  “I know what you really think or feel”

SUMMARIZING SELF:  “I know you’d agree with me if you could just get what I am saying, so I’ll repeat myself until you get it”

CROSS COMPLAINING:  “If you complain about me, I’ll complain about you”

KITCHEN SINKING:  “You did this, and also that, and also that ….”

YES, BUT:  “I don’t really agree, so I will tell you all of the reasons that I can’t do what you are asking for”

DISAGREE OR OPINIONS WITHOUT RATIONALE:  “I’m right.  I just feel that way , no matter what”

UNCLEAR:  “Just… I don’t know … kind of like that”

NEGATIVE NONVERBAL:  Frowns, cold voice, rude gestures

YOU STATEMENTS:  “You made me feel so sad/mad etc”


Positive Communication


VALIDATING OTHERS:  :  “I can see why you’’d feel that way”

RESPECT, COMMITMENTS:  “ Even though we disagree, I’ll hang in there until we work this out”

POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT:  “I’d really like it if you did this for me .. and it would lead to this positive outcome for you”

TEAMWORK/PROBLEM SOLVING:  “Let’s  not worry about who’s to blame, but figure out how we can solve problems”

COMPLIMENTS:  “I appreciate how much effort you put into this”

ACCEPTANCE:  “I accept who you are and acknowledge you have a right to feel that way, even if I disagree”

BACK ON THE POINT:  “Wait a second … what do we want to be talking about?”

CHECKING OUT:  “I think this is where you are on this … is that right?”

SUMMARIZING:  “So what I hear you saying is …”  “Sounds like you feel …”

ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY:  “Yes, I did that … I’m sorry it had that effect on you”

FOCUSING ON SPECIFICS:  “Yesterday, you did X … in the future, could you try Y?”

ACKNOWLEDGE DISAGREEMENT, PROVIDE RATIONALE:  “I have a different take on this; my perspective is  …”

AGREE/DISAGREE WITH RATIONALE:  “Here’s my thinking on this”

CLARIFICATION REQUEST:  “Could you give me some specifics on that?”

POSITIVE NONVERBAL:  Smiles, warm voice, eye contact

I STATEMENTS:  “When you do X, it pushes my buttons and I get angry”


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