The 10 stages of grief

  1. Shock

    Temporarily stunned… This lasts for minutes, hours, or even days.  Soon, with time, you will face your emotions and make decisions.

  2. Facing Emotions

    Emotions are you feelings.  They are intense.  Confront these feelings honestly.  Get supportive help.  During this time, do not make major decisions.

  3. Depression

    Crisis is a new state of isolation.  Your depression may be due to other stresses.  It’s okay to cry.  Keep life simple.  Get rest.  Reduce stress.  Reach out to others.

  4. Physical Symptoms

    Your thoughts can cause physical distress.  These physical symptoms can be the result of unresolved grief.  Talk to your family doctor.

  5. Panic

    Your fear of facing the unknown can create a state of panic.  Panic is normal.  Avoid being impulsive.  Go slowly in making decision if this stage occurs.

  6. Guilt

    You may experience guilt in a crisis.  Healthy guilt is the result of either doing or not doing something prior to the crisis or loss.  Guilt becomes unhealthy when it lingers or affects the quality of your life.

  7. Anger

    Your crisis may create strong feelings of anger and resentment.  These feelings are normal.  You may want to blame someone or something.  This is the time to seek support for your feelings.  Expressing your anger is good.  Exercise, journal writing, or talking with a trusted friend will help.

  8. Resistance

    You resist returning to normal life because it feels too painful.  Decision-making is difficult.  It is important to balance your life.  Give time to each part: self, home, work, family, and feelings.

  9. Hope

    Life becomes meaningful once again.  You express emotions, seek affection, receive encouragement.  You feel you have survived this crisis.  You want to smile again and remember the good.  You grow stronger and begin again.

  10. Acceptance

    Acceptance will come in time.  Until then, we encourage you to progress through these stages at your own pace.

    Healing Your Heart: Be gentle with yourself.  This crisis has created stress in your life.  It will take time and energy to feel whole and find peace of mind.  Allow yourself your feelings.


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